Apps and Services

Sonyay LLC wants to help the world learn. Our first project is aimed at teaching people about their ability to do math well. Everyone can do math, if they have the right experience. We are striving to make math feel more useful and engage people with fun approaches to math concepts and practice – like a cool math game and a fun math website.

Learning can be fun.

Our cool math app, Math Be Nimble, is a great way to practice basic skills and problem solving. This is a challenging game for players at any level of math, and the game is designed to encourage growth and progress. For kids, teens, and adults – Try it now!

Cool Math Game for iOS Download a Cool Math Game on the Google Play Store Download a Cool Math Game on the Amazon App Store

Math Be Nimble logo and link to Math Be Nimble page

Take a look at our fun math site,, it is all about making math more interesting. We have concept explanations, articles about math in daily use, math teasers, practice sheets, and more… logo for link